Common Causes of Lameness in Cats

Causes of lameness in cats

Limping is a common symptom and can affect the front or the hind limbs. It can be acute (sudden onset) or chronic (slow and progressive). The location, accompanying symptoms and age of the cat can all give the veterinarian a clue as to the probable cause.

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Why Do Cats Bury Their Poop?

Why do cats bury their poop?

Cats may have been domesticated for nine thousand years, but they haven’t lost many of their wild ways, and that extends to their toileting habits which include burying their feces. Burying feces is a natural cat instinct that most of us greatly appreciate unless it’s the local cat who is burying their feces in the … Read more

Cystocentesis For Cats

Cystocentesis in cats

What is cystocentesis?

Cystocentesis is a routine veterinary procedure with the use of a needle and syringe that is inserted through the abdominal wall to obtain uncontaminated urine directly from the bladder. This provides the veterinarian with a sterile urine sample for evaluation and or relieves a distended bladder in a cat who is unable to urinate due to a blockage (therapeutic cystocentesis). This is typically a last resort, and a catheter is a preferred method in the blocked cat.

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Cimetidine (Tagamet) For Cats

Cimetidine for cats

At a glance

  • Drug Name: Cimetidine
  • Common names: Tagamet
  • Drug Type: Histamine Hâ‚‚ receptor antagonist
  • Used For: Stomach ulcer, gastritis, esophagitis, mast cell tumours
  • Species: Humans, cats, dogs, horses
  • Administered: Injection, oral suspension, tablet

What is cimetidine?

Cimetidine is an over the counter histamine 2 blocker or histamine Hâ‚‚ receptor antagonist. It works by inhibiting the production of stomach acid by blocking histamine receptors in the stomach that are responsible for triggering acid production. It has not been FDA approved for use in animals but is used legally by veterinarians as an extra-label medication.

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Primordial Pouch in Cats: Our Veterinarian Explains

Primordial pouch

What is the primordial pouch (Cat Belly Flap)?

The primordial pouch (Cat Belly Flap) is a loose flap of skin that runs along the length of the cat’s belly but is most pronounced towards the rear. It can often be seen swaying from side to side when the cat walks or trots.

Pet owners often attribute the primordial pouch to weight gain, but it is common on cats of all shapes and sizes, even slim ones.

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Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week

Adopt a less adoptable pet week

24th – 30th September is Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week, which highlights the plight of those pets who aren’t as adoptable younger and healthier pets. Most shelters are bursting at the seams with animals, and it is usually the cute puppies and kittens who find homes the quickest. But many less adoptable pets are often overlooked but in need of a loving home.

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12 Things We Should Never Do To A Cat

Things you should never do to a cat

At a glance

  1. Punish a cat
  2. Scruff a cat
  3. Throw a cat
  4. Pull a cat’s tail
  5. Pick a cat up by the tail
  6. Give human or dog medications
  7. Self medicate
  8. Ignore their emotional needs
  9. Ignore their physical needs
  10. Litter box mistakes
  11. Smoke around a cat
  12. Feed food that is dangerous

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