How Cold is Too Cold For a Cat?

How cold is too cold for a cat?

Despite their fur coat, cats can feel the cold. Fur acts as insulation, but its effectiveness is limited.

How cold is too cold?

There are many variables, which include the overall health of the cat, medications, age, amount of subcutaneous fat as well as the weather itself. Indoor cats are not as acclimatised as outdoor cats. Is it dry or wet outside? A still cold day is less dangerous than a windy, cold day: wind chill and damp both increases the severity of severe consequences to the cat. A wet cat is more at risk in cold conditions than a dry cat and wind chill can increase the chances of the cat developing hypothermia or frostbite. This highlights the importance of a safe, dry shelter for cats who go (or live) outside.

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9 Low-Energy Breeds of Cat

Low energy breeds of cat

Low-energy cat breeds at a glance Persian Exotic Scottish Fold Russian Blue Burmilla Ragdoll Birman Selkirk Rex British Shorthair Persian Origin: Persia (Iran) Energy: Low to moderate Temperament: Easygoing, quiet, gentle Coat: Long Colours: Every colour except pointed or shaded (see Himalayan and Chinchilla) Care: Easy, a daily groom to remove loose hairs and clean … Read more

Age-Related Symptoms in Senior Cats: What To Look For

Age-related symptoms in senior cats

The risk of age-related disorders increases as a cat moves into his or her senior years and often catch pet owners unaware. Cats are exceptional at hiding signs of pain and illness, and often, just the smallest change can be an indicator that the cat has an underlying problem. Increased appetite An increased appetite can … Read more

Cat in Heat (Estrus)

What is a cat in heat? A cat in heat (also known as estrus or calling) is where an entire female cat is fertile and receptive to mating. It usually seasonal but can depend on several factors including the number of daylight hours, age and general health of the cat. There are four phases of … Read more

Signs Your Cat is Dying: Our Vet Explains the Final Moments

senior cat peacefully resting on owner

At a Glance: Signs That a Cat is Dying

  • Abnormal breathing
  • Decreased heart rate
  • Drop in body temperature
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sleeping more and ultimately loss of consciousness
  • Odours
  • Urinary and/or fecal incontinence
  • Extreme weakness

“Early active dying” vs “Late active dying”

The physical process of dying can take months depending on the diagnosis and is divided into two main phases:

  • Early or pre-active dying – The weeks leading up to death. This is associated with a terminal illness such as cancer or kidney disease.
  • Late active dying – This process lasts from 3 days to a few hours and occurs when the cat’s body begins the physical process of shutting down.

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Cat-Friendly Cleaning Products For The Home

Natural cleaning products safe to use around cats

We all want the best for our cats and try to keep them safe and well. Many common cleaning products contain chemicals that are potentially harmful to cats (as well as humans), and where possible, limiting exposure is preferred. Exposure can occur via inhalation, ingestion when the cat grooms or drinks from an open toilet or sink and direct contact with the skin which can potentially irritate the skin.

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End of Life (Hospice) Care For The Dying Cat

End of life hospice care for dying cats

End of life hospice care for cats

Hospice care is a type of care provided to a cat with a chronic or terminal illness to relieve pain and symptoms.

What does hospice care involve?

  • Supporting the cat and relieving symptoms and pain.
  • Pain relief
  • Symptom control
  • Nutritional support
  • Fluid support
  • Make adaptations
  • Physical comfort
  • Emotional comfort

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Pyelonephritis in Cats

Pyelonephritis in cats

Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the renal pelvis (a hollow area in the centre of the kidney) renal parenchyma (the solid part of the kidneys) due to a bacterial infection (and less often viral or fungal infection).

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Sepsis in Cats: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Sepsis in cats

Sepsis is the systemic inflammatory response to infection and is defined as the presence of SIRS (extreme systemic inflammatory response) in addition to the infection which can cause organ dysfunction. Any organ can be affected which includes the heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys. This can affect respiration, blood pressure, kidney function, blood clotting and oxygenation of the tissues.

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