22 Breeds of Cats with Big Eyes that Will Make You Fall in Love

Healthy cat eyes

The regal looks of the feline species have captured the human heart for centuries. But there’s one attribute in particular that makes any cat lover swoon: the eyes of a cat. A cat’s eye colors can range from blue to yellow, copper, brown, green, and odd-colored eyes (blue and another color). Whatever the color—the bigger they … Read more

Why Does My Cat Lick Me Then Bite Me? 3 Ways to Stop the Biting

cat licks then bite hand of owner

It can hurt in more than one way when your cat suddenly bites you. It’s even more baffling when the bite follows a loving lick. Before you take the out-of-nowhere bite personally, cat behavioral experts say to consider your feline’s reasoning behind the seemingly unprovoked attack. “Body language is key,” says LeeAnna Buis, CFTBS, at … Read more

Why Does My Cat Not Purr? 4 Tips to Encourage Purring

cat purring on owner's lap

For most cat lovers and parents, a cat’s purr is one of the most recognizable sounds of cat contentment. If your cat has suddenly stopped purring or has never purred, you might be looking for answers—and with good reason. Experts say each cat expresses themselves differently, but a sudden change in behavior is always a … Read more