Why Does My Cat Run Away from Me?

You’ve seen the meme. The owner leaves the room for two minutes, and when they come back, the dog is jumping up and down, licking their face, and whimpering. In the next frame, the owner is gone for two weeks, and when they return, the cat is snoozing comfortably on their pillow. When the kitty … Read more

Is Mint Poisonous to My Cat?

What is a mint plant? Mint is a perennial herb with fragrant leaves and a square stem. A couple of its many uses for humans are as a digestive aid and headache relief. It’s used in recipes from tea to butter. Mint looks a lot like (and can smell like) catnip. Is the mint plant … Read more

Is Shasta Daisy Poisonous to My Cat?

What is a daisy? The daisy is a common wildflower belonging to the Asteraceae family. It can be identified by a solid-colored center surrounded by 15 to 30 petals. The flower can appear in several different color combinations. The most recognized is the Shasta daisy (Leucanthemum × superbum), which has a yellow center with white … Read more

Why doesn’t my cat knead? Our Cat Behaviorist Explains

What is kneading? If you’ve been around cats for a while, you’ve seen a kitty alternately pressing and lifting their front paws in perfect rhythm as if they’re doing some sort of ritualistic dance. Some people call it ‘making biscuits,’ and perhaps our felines know something we don’t. Bakers know that you can’t make a … Read more

Do Cats Remember Owners & Other Cats, and For How Long?

cat and her owner

According to cognitive psychology, your short-term memory is about 30 seconds. Most research studies involving cats indicate that their short-term memory is about 16 hours. Perhaps your cat knows where you left your glasses! But how good is cats’ long-term memory, and, specifically, how long do cats remember their previous owners, litter mates, or other … Read more

How to Grow Catnip Plants for Cats 

Cat next to catnip plant

Catnip is a perennial herb from the mint family. It is most likely native to Asia and was brought to the United States and Canada via Europe. It is now found worldwide—to the delight of the world’s cat population—who sniff, lick, roll, and rub in it at every opportunity. In warm weather, you’ll find fresh … Read more

Why Does My Cat Keep Chewing on Cardboard?

The package you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived! You rip it open, seize the contents, and toss the box aside.  Before that cardboard even hits the floor, your cat is already rolling around in it. What is it with cats and boxes?  First off, cats love enclosed spaces, and cardboard can keep them warm. … Read more