Male or Female Cat – Which is Best?

The million-dollar question, what sex cat should you adopt? There is no right or wrong answer, each gender has pros and cons. In my experience, I have found personality to be more of a factor. Some females are friendly, some aren’t. Some males are friendly, some aren’t.

Entire and desexed cats do have some differences.

Entire cats

Males roam further afield looking for a mate. They can also be more aggressive over territory and get into more cat fights as a result. While both male and female cats spray, males tend to do so more often than females.

Females The heat cycle can begin as early as four months of age and this will repeat until she becomes pregnant. She will do everything in her power to escape and find a mate, calling at all hours of the day and night. We had a female go into heat ONCE, that was enough, we had her spayed immediately after her heat cycle.

Desexed cats

Desexed cats tend to have more similarities. Spraying is reduced in both, as is territorial aggression (although it remains in some cats). Both males and females stay closer to home as they are no longer interested in looking for a mate.

Males: I have found my male cats to be a little more affectionate and placid than the females. But that all comes down to what you, as the pet owner wants. Some people want a cat who will lie on your lap all day long, others prefer a cat who is a little more independent. If there is a difference between male and female cats, it is very subtle, and personality is a much better indicator.

Females: While still friendly, my experience has been that they are a little more independent than males.

But that all comes down to what you, as the pet owner wants. Some people want a cat who will lie on your lap all day long, others prefer a cat who is a little more independent. If there is a difference between male and female cats, it is very subtle, and personality is a much better indicator.


Females: Female cats are better hunters than males, the theory is that females think we humans are inadequate when it comes to hunting and they bring us mice in the hope that we will learn how to become hunters ourselves. Maybe that’s why people think females are better at hunting, they are more likely to bring home their trophies?

Factor in resident cats

I think when bringing a new cat into the household, current cats and dynamics should be a factor. Do you have a dominant male cat, if so, introducing a kitten, or a female will be a better option than an adult male?

I do have experience introducing an adult male into a home with an already dominant male and it was somewhat of a disaster. The resident cat never accepted the newcomer and we lived with both cats fighting and spraying (despite both being desexed) for many years.

My current dynamics seem to be no one cat is dominant. The Oriental boy does not cope well with change, so while we have him, we will not bring in any new cats into the home, it’s not fair on him. New additions don’t upset our domestic female, she is very laid back. We also share our house with two Tonkinese boys, who are also pretty cruisy cats. All three boys are more lap cats than the girl, but she wants plenty of headbutts when we are relaxing on a night.

Purebred cats

If you are choosing a purebred cat, you can get a general idea of what to expect. Not all cats fit the personality description of the breed, but it is a guideline. I also like to let the breeder know what I’m looking for, ie; “I really want a smoochy boy” or “I love talkative cats“, or “I prefer a cat who doesn’t need to be on or with me 24/7“. They have been with the kittens since birth and will be able to narrow down which kitten/s fit your preferences. Some people love smoochy cats, other people prefer more independent ones. I personally sit somewhere in the middle.

Even if you are adopting a cat from a shelter (a great idea), the staff should be able to help you find the perfect cat or kitten to match your requirements.


  • Julia Wilson, 'Cat World' Founder

    Julia Wilson is the founder of Cat-World, and has researched and written over 1,000 articles about cats. She is a cat expert with over 20 years of experience writing about a wide range of cat topics, with a special interest in cat health, welfare and preventative care. Julia lives in Sydney with her family, four cats and two dogs. Full author bio