Why Does My Cat Poop Smell Bad? Our Vet Shares What to Do

Why does my cat's poop smell so bad?

Cat stool is known for its unpleasant odor. If that odor changes (almost always for the worse), you need to consider why. What is a normal cat stool like? Normal cat feces does have a particularly strong odour. Researchers found that cat feces contains a malodorous material known as MMB with the chemical structure 3-mercapto-3-methyl-1-butanol. … Read more

How Much Should a Cat Weigh? Our Vet Explains

How much should a cat weigh?

How much should a cat weigh?

The average healthy adult cat should weigh between 3.8 kg (7.9 lbs) – 6 kg (13.2 lbs), however, the number on the scales is just a guideline. A body condition score is a more accurate assessment of a cat’s ideal weight as this takes into account the cat’s overall build and size.

This score ranges from 1 – 9. The World Small Animal Veterinary Association outlines the body condition score as follows:

  • 1 – Ribs are visible on shorthaired cats and there is no palpable fat. Lumbar vertebrae and ilia are easily palpated. Severe abdominal tuck.
  • 2 – Ribs are easily visible on shorthaired cats and there is no palpable fat. Lumbar vertebrae are obvious. There is a pronounced abdominal tuck.
  • 3 – Ribs are easily palpable and there is minimal palpable fat. Lumbar vertebrae are obvious. There is an obvious waist behind the ribs. Minimal abdominal fat.
  • 4 – Ribs are palpable with minimal fat covering. There is a noticeable waist behind the ribs and a slight abdominal tuck. The abdominal fat pad is absent.
  • 5 ideal weight – The cat is well proportioned, ribs have a slight fat covering and palpable and abdominal fat is minimal.
  • 6 – The ribs are palpable with a slight excess in the fat covering. The waist and abdominal fat pad are distinguishable but not obvious. There is no abdominal tuck.
  • 7 – The ribs are not obviously palpated, and there is a moderate-fat covering. The waist is poorly discernable and there is an obvious rounding of the abdomen. There are fat deposits over the lumbar area.
  • 8 – Ribs are not palpable under a heavy layer of fat. The waist is absent. There is an obvious rounding of the abdomen and a prominent fat pad. There are fat deposits over the lumbar area.
  • 9 obese – Ribs are not palpable under a heavy layer of fat. There are fat deposits over the lumbar area, face and limbs. The abdomen is distended and there is no waist. There are extensive abdominal fat deposits.

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Dilated Pupils in Cats: Our Veterinarian Shares What to Do

Dilated pupils in cats

The pupil is the black slit/circular shape in the middle of the cat’s iris (the colored part of the eye). Pupils control the amount of light entering the eye by dilating (becoming large) and constricting (becoming small/slit-like). Cats’ eyes are somewhat unique in that their pupils are vertical – so when they constrict, there is … Read more