Cat Peeing Blood But Acting Normal: When to be Concerned

cat looking at the results of urine sample analysis

Seeing blood in your cat’s urine can be pretty shocking. Even if your cat seems to be acting normal, bloody urine is NEVER normal. Most veterinarians recommend your cat be seen immediately rather than waiting until any other symptoms develop. Bloody urine can be caused by various diseases, including: bladder stones, stress, blood clotting disorders, … Read more

Why Is My Cat’s Poop White? A Vet Explains

white cat poop on grass

Most of us don’t pay too much attention to what goes on in our cat’s litterbox. We clean it, put in fresh litter, and carry on with other tasks. But what if you notice white poop in the litter? Should you be concerned? While it seems trivial, seeing these changes in your cat’s poop can … Read more

Can Cats Eat Fruit and Vegetables?

Can cats eat fruit and vegetables?

We all know cats and dogs are built differently. We have heard the saying, “dogs have owners, cats have staff.” But did you know that their nutritional needs are very different as well? 

Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they depend on meat and fat for their survival. There are certain vital nutrients, such as taurine and vitamin A, that cats cannot make in their own bodies and must acquire by eating meat. 

Some carnivores, such as canines and bears, can also obtain nutrients from plants; however, cats are hypercarnivores who require a diet of at least 70% meat. Their bodies need more protein per pound than dogs do. Cats just can’t break down certain plant-based foods into their required nutrients. 

Cats may consume the occasional plant matter, such as chewing on catnip, grass, or vegetation in prey’s stomach. Fruit and vegetables may contain micro-nutrients but are unnecessary to include in your cat’s diet. Ideally, fruits and vegetables should only be used as an occasional treat. Read on to find out about specific foods.

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