Why doesn’t my cat knead? Our Cat Behaviorist Explains

What is kneading? If you’ve been around cats for a while, you’ve seen a kitty alternately pressing and lifting their front paws in perfect rhythm as if they’re doing some sort of ritualistic dance. Some people call it ‘making biscuits,’ and perhaps our felines know something we don’t. Bakers know that you can’t make a … Read more

Do Cats Remember Owners & Other Cats, and For How Long?

cat and her owner

According to cognitive psychology, your short-term memory is about 30 seconds. Most research studies involving cats indicate that their short-term memory is about 16 hours. Perhaps your cat knows where you left your glasses! But how good is cats’ long-term memory, and, specifically, how long do cats remember their previous owners, litter mates, or other … Read more

Do Sibling Cats Mate Together – And What to Do

Sibling Cats Mate Together

We are all taught that siblings shouldn’t breed, whether we believe it to be a moral issue or a purely scientific one. When it boils down to it, there are some issues that can crop up when siblings mate and produce kittens. To help us understand why sibling cats mate together, why they shouldn’t, and … Read more

Why Does My Cat Keep Chewing on Cardboard?

The package you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived! You rip it open, seize the contents, and toss the box aside.  Before that cardboard even hits the floor, your cat is already rolling around in it. What is it with cats and boxes?  First off, cats love enclosed spaces, and cardboard can keep them warm. … Read more

Should you leave a light on for your cat at night?

leave a light on for your cat

Cats are notorious for keeping us up at night, but are they really running about the house staying up while you sleep? Probably not. Contrary to popular belief, your cat is probably sleeping most of the time that you are. Cats are crepuscular, meaning that they are most active at dawn and dusk. Of course, … Read more