Pleural Effusion in Cats

Pleural effusion in cats

What is pleural effusion?

Pleural effusion is an abnormal buildup of fluid up in the pleural cavity, the thin fluid-filled space that lies between the lungs and the chest wall.

Two membranes line the thorax and lungs, and the space between naturally has a small amount of fluid, which helps to lubricate the lungs as he breathes in and out. Small blood vessels in the pleural lining produce this fluid, blood and lymph nodes take away excess fluid to keep it all in balance.

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Cytauxzoonosis (Bobcat Fever) in Cats

Cytauxzoonosis in cats

What is cytauxzoonosis?

Also known as bobcat fever, cytauxzoonosis is a severe and often fatal blood-borne parasitic infection caused by the protozoal organism Cytauxzoon felis. Its natural host is the bobcat (Lynx rufus), who harbours the parasite with mild or subclinical effects.

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Tick Borne Diseases in Cats

Tick borne diseases in cats

What are ticks?

Ticks are small ectoparasites, meaning they live on the outside of their host, and are members of the arachnid family (spiders and mites are also members of this family). There are over 800 species of tick, and their distribution is worldwide. Australia has around 70 species of tick. There are several diseases cats can pick up from tick bites which we will cover below.

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Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis) In Cats

Hay fever in cats

What is hayfever?

Medically known as allergic rhinitis, hayfever is a type of allergic reaction to pollen. Normally the immune system ignores harmless substances, but some cats develop an inappropriate immune response to pollen characterised by sneezing, watery eyes and a runny nose.

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Visiting A Sick Cat At The Vet

Visiting a sick cat at the vet

Sometimes it may be necessary for your cat to stay at the veterinary surgery for a period to be treated for and/or recovery from an illness or surgery. Hospitalisation of a cat is often a difficult time for both the cat and the owner and many people ask if they should visit your cat while he is at the hospital.

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Blood Transfusion For Cats

Blood transfusion in cats

What is a blood transfusion?

A blood transfusion is a life-saving procedure where blood or blood products from a donor are given to a cat to treat a medical disorder. This may be whole blood (containing all four components of the blood) or blood components (plasma, platelets, etc.).

Blood is a part of the circulatory system which comprises of blood, blood vessels, and the heart. It carries oxygen and nutrients around the body and removes waste products such as carbon dioxide. The average 5kg cat has about 325ml of blood.

Blood has four components; red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets.

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