Lavender Toxicity in Cats

Lavender toxicity in cats

What is lavender?

  • Common names: Common lavender, True lavender, English lavender
  • Scientific names: Lavendula
  • Toxic parts: All parts, especially the flowers and essential oils
  • Toxic properties: Linalool and Linalyl acetate

Lavender is a popular garden perennial with 47 species, and also a popular essential oil. Essential oils are highly concentrated oils distilled from plants for use in oil burners, to scent candles and beauty products and as natural remedies. Lavender essential oils are used with people to treat:

  • Sooth skin irritation and insect bites
  • Wound healing (lavender has antibacterial properties)
  • Headache
  • Sleep aid
  • Relaxant

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Claw and Clawbed Infection in Cats

Claw and nailbed infection in cats

Causes of claw and claw bed infection

Paronychia is the medical name for inflammation or bacterial infection of the claw bed and/or surrounding skin and can be bacterial or fungal. Bacterial infections usually occur secondary to trauma, such as overzealous claw trimming, obsessive claw chewing, ingrown claws or declawing surgery. Other causes include systemic diseases such as FIV or FeLV, diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, Cushing’s disease and use of steroids.

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Tea Tree Toxicity in Cats

Tea tree oil toxicity in cats

Essential oils are concentrated liquids that are extracted from plants, many of which have therapeutic effects. Tea tree oil is often recommended as a safe and natural alternative to chemicals in the treatment of fleas and other conditions on cats. But is it safe?

There is no doubt that tea tree has its place in the treatment of skin conditions, but is best reserved for human health. Even then, only apply to the skin as it is toxic if ingested.

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Near-Drowning in Cats

Near drowning in cats

What is near-drowning?

Most cats avoid water, but accidents do happen. Cats can swim but can get into trouble if they fall into the water and are unable to get out, get caught in floodwater, fall through the ice, have a seizure or hypoglycemic event (low blood sugar) near water and fall in.

Near-drowning is classed as survival after water submersion in which the cat has survived for longer than 24 hours after the incident.

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World Stray Animals Day

World stray animals day

April 4th marks World Stray Animals Day, a day to reflect upon those animals less fortunate than our pampered pets and ask ourselves what we can do to help stray animals. Stray animals are homeless through no fault of their own. Some were born in the wild; others have been dumped or are lost. On … Read more

Cat First Aid – Emergency Cat Care

Emergency first aid for cats

April is Pet First Aid Awareness Month which is a good time to talk about first aid for our cats and how we can prepare for a medical emergency.

Every pet owner should be prepared for an emergency or sudden onset of sickness, and have the following:

  • The number and address of your veterinarian and an emergency veterinarian within easy reach.
  • The number of a pet poisons helpline.
  • Have a well-stocked first-aid kit (see below).
  • Have a cat carrier, with a soft towel or blanket within easy reach.

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Radiotherapy Treatment For Cats

Radiotherapy for cats

Radiotherapy (radiation therapy or RT) is a therapy for cancer treatment in cats (and other species, including people). It uses high-energy x-ray beams to destroy or damage cancer cell DNA to stop it from multiplying. The type of radiation used in radiotherapy is ionising radiation.

Unlike chemotherapy, which goes everywhere in the body, radiotherapy uses a beam to focus on the area of treatment.

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