Mouth Ulcers in Cats

Mouth ulcer in cats

What is a mouth ulcer?

A mouth ulcer (or mouth sore) is a painful, open sore that can affect the gums and tongue. Erosion of the delicate tissues in the mouth due to injury, infection or cancer causes ulcers to form. They are not a disease in themselves, but rather they are a symptom of an underlying condition.

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Polycythemia in Cats

Polycythemia in cats

At a glance

  • About: Polycythemia is a higher than normal number of red blood cells. This causes the blood to become thicker, which
    makes it more difficult to pass through small blood vessels and deliver oxygen to the tissues.
  • Causes: The most common cause is dehydration, other causes include contraction of the spleen due to epinephrine secretion and overproduction of red blood cells due to a tumour and abnormal bone marrow production.
  • Symptoms: Dark mucous membranes, lethargy, blood in the urine, nosebleed, black/tarry feces, increased thirst, and urination.
  • Diagnosis: Baseline tests including complete physical examination and medical history, blood count, biochemical profile and urinalysis, serum EPO level, arterial blood gas, abdominal and thoracic ultrasound and bone marrow biopsy.
  • Treatment: Depends on the underlying cause. Fluid therapy will reverse dehydration. Removal of the blood, medications to
    slow down red blood cell production, surgery to remove tumours.

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Bladder Tumour in Cats

Bladder tumour in cats

What is a bladder tumour?

A bladder tumour is a benign or cancerous tumour of the bladder or urethra of cats. There are several types of bladder tumours in cats, transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) is the most common, other types include benign mesenchymal tumours, squamous cell carcinoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and lymphoma.

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Blindness in Cats

Blindness in cats

Blindness is the result of a loss of vision in both eyes. Cats may be born blind or it may occur as a result of disease, trauma, dietary deficiency due or certain drugs/toxins. It may occur suddenly or over a period of weeks or months.

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Plague (Yersinia Pestis) in Cats

Plague in cats

What is the plague?

The plague is an extremely serious zoonotic (transmissible from animals to humans) infection caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis. This is the bacteria that is believed to have been responsible for the Black Death which wiped out a 30-60% of the population of Europe from 1346.

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Broken Bones in Cats

Broken bones in cats

The feline skeleton is made up of 244 bones, any of which can be broken although some more commonly than others. Most broken bones in cats occur in the jaw, leg, skull and pelvis and are commonly caused by either car accidents or a fall from a height. Certain medical conditions such as cancer can also lead to broken bones.

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Fluid Therapy For Cats

Fluid therapy for cats

What is fluid therapy?

Fluid therapy is one of the most common medical treatments cats receive. The purposes of fluid therapy are to increase blood volume (dehydration or hypovolemia), change the content of the blood (such as electrolyte, metabolic and acid disorders), change the distribution, increase excretion. The body keeps water levels in check by homeostasis. If there is an excess of water, the kidneys flush it out of the body via the urine, if there is too little water in the body, the kidneys concentrate the urine and the brain sends a signal to drink more water.

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Cat Gums – Gum Colour and Gum Diseases in Cats

Cat gums

What do a healthy cat’s gums look like? Also known as gingiva, the gums are a pink mucous membrane surrounding the dental bone and teeth. Healthy gums will be a light pink color and should be shiny and firm to the touch. The gums should fit snugly around the tooth, with no pockets or redness … Read more