Dry Eye (Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca) in Cats

Dry eye in cats

What is dry eye?

Medically known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), dry eye syndrome (DES) is a condition characterised by insufficient watery tears reaching the surface of the eye which leads to dryness of the cornea and the conjunctiva. As a result, they become irritated and inflamed due to the lack of lubrication and moisture.

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Multiple Myeloma in Cats

Multiple myeloma in cats

What is multiple myeloma?

Also known as plasma cell myeloma, multiple myeloma (MM) is a rare type of blood cancer caused by the proliferation of B cell lymphocytes, a of blood cell responsible for the production of antibodies. The disease derives from a clonal population of cells, which all descend from one single plasma cell, and all have exactly the genetic make-up. As the cancerous cells multiply they take up room in the bone marrow, where there is no longer space to produce normal blood cells.

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Feline Acne: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Feline acne on the chin of a cat


What is feline acne? Feline acne is a skin disorder affecting the chin of cats where hair follicles clog with oil and dead skin cells, to form blackheads.


  • Plastic food bowls
  • Improper grooming
  • Over-active sebaceous glands
  • Stress
  • Over-active thyroid gland
  • Allergies
  • Immunosuppression
  • Excessive chin rubbing

Symptoms: Can range from mild to severe and include comedones (blackheads), erythema (redness), oedema (swelling), pustules (pus-filled bumps), folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicle) and furunculosis (deep infection of the hair follicle).

Diagnosis:  A thorough physical examination along with presenting symptoms, skin cytology and culture to rule out other
diseases. Sometimes a blood test will be required to see if allergies or an overactive thyroid are contributing.

Treatment: Medications to clean the area, reduce bacteria and unplug the hair follicle, changing food bowls, manage underlying cause, if one is found.

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Breathing Difficulty in Cats -Cat Breathing Problems

Breathing difficulty in cats

At a glance

About: Breathing disorders can come in several forms and for several reasons. Any breathing problem is a medical emergency requiring immediate veterinary attention.

Causes: Heart failure, fluid build-up in the abdomen or chest, a blockage in the pulmonary artery (embolism), infections, tumours, asthma, low oxygen levels in the blood.

Types: Rapid breathing, open-mouthed breathing, noisy breathing and laboured breathing.

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Eye Infection in Cats

Eye infection in cats

About Eye infections occur when pathogenic (disease-causing) organisms invade any part of the eyeball or surrounding tissue. They can affect one eye (unilateral) or both (bilateral). Any changes to the eye such as discharge, squinting, blinking, redness or watering must be checked with a veterinarian as soon as possible, untreated eye infections can lead to … Read more

Cryptosporidiosis in Cats

Cryptosporidium in cats

At a glance About: Cryptosporidiosis is a protozoal infection affecting the small intestine and occasionally the respiratory tract of cats. Transmission: Infection occurs via the fecal-oral route via contaminated water, food, feces, objects or during grooming. Symptoms: Don’t always show in healthy cats, in those who are immunocompromised or kittens, diarrhea, loss of appetite, low-grade … Read more